If it spots the player or a tamed creature, it will begin to move itself towards the player or said creature and attack it. Tusoteuthis is found only in very deep water, where it swims about at a slow pace. Between that and Tusoteuthis' distinctive capability to grab & carry large creatures underwater, it makes for an excellent aquatic tame, despite its slower speed. Unlike normal ink, Tusoteuthis' ink is very oily, and can even be refined into fuels such as gasoline. One of the major benefits of taming Tusoteuthis is harvesting its ink. Finally, if Tusoteuthis is losing the fight, it sprays a cloud of ink into the surrounding water, blinding its attackers to cover a sneaky escape. Secondly, its vampiric blood drain instantly revitalizes it, even during combat. Firstly, its grab slowly renders its victim unconscious, so death isn't the only concern. Tusoteuthis is a terrifying opponent for several reasons.
Once it grabs its prey, it slowly crushes it into submission while using the talons on its tentacles to siphon and drink the victim's blood! Approximately 30 feet long, Tusoteuthis is a terror of the deep. Tusoteuthis vampyrus is a very aggressive water predator.